Exhibition and workshop of ideas dedicated to art and visual culture books
27th and 29th September, from 12pm to 9pm.
Books and Others’ first edition is curated by a team composed by Chiara Costa, editor and art historian, Dallas, graphic and creative studio founded by Francesco Valtolina and Kevin Pedron, Giovanna Silva, photographer and founder of the publishing house Humboldt Books and Alberto Salvadori, Fondazione ICA Milano’s director and Chiara Nuzzi, curator and editorial manager of ICA Milano.
Within Books and Others, a jury composed by five experts will assign a prize to the best art and visual culture book published in Italy. The curators have invited thirty Italian editors working in the contemporary to partecipate.
During the event, a selection of magazines and independent editorial projects proposed by Reading Room, a new Milanese space devoted to independent publishing, and by Bruno, Venice-based publishing house and bookshop special collaborator of the project, will be available to purchase.
The cultural program of Books and Others includes the workshop September Book, led by Lorenzo Rindori and Marco Tomassoli, which intends to explore the book as a medium as a support for the artistic representation and production. For the occasion, 8 artists will be working in close dialogue with the participants towards the realisation of an editorial piece related to the artist’s work. The projects will be printed during 28th September and exhibited on 29th September.
Our special thanks to:
Books and Others Jury (Cecilia Canziani, Anna Franceschini, Samuel Gross, Saul Marcadent, Lorenzo Paini)
A+M Bookstore, Bruno, Centro Di, Corraini, Cura, Damiani Editore, Electa, Fondazione Carriero, Fondazione Prada, Gamec, Hangar Bicocca,
Humboldt Books, Johan & Levi, MADRE, Man Nuoro, MART, Mousse, Museion, Nero, Palazzo Grassi, Postmedia, Quodlibet, Silvana Editoriale, Skinnerboox, Skira, Viaindustriae.
Céline Condorelli, Michael Dean, Karl Holmqvist, Sara MacKillop and Erik Steinbrecher
Curated by Gregorio Magnani
27th September to 6th October 2019
Work - Book - Work proposes an original point of view on artists’ books, intended as activator of the surrounding space. For each of them, the artists’ books operate at the same time with and against fetishism and commodification, which are inherently implicit within the object-book or within the book-work of art and the inherent perception of the book intended as secondary supporting material for the work of art. Everyone considers their own publications as possible elements for other works, which can incorporate them in various ways. Work-Book-Work explores the particular relationships that these artists trigger between their artworks and the desire that these latter remain tools for a future work.

Sara MacKillop, Swatchbook, 2018/19, published by Laurel Parker books

Work-Book-Work, 2019, installation view, Fondazione ICA Milano Ph. Filippo Armellin

Work-Book-Work, 2019, installation view, Fondazione ICA Milano Ph. Filippo Armellin

Work-Book-Work, 2019, installation view, Fondazione ICA Milano Ph. Filippo Armellin

Work-Book-Work, 2019, installation view, Fondazione ICA Milano Ph. Filippo Armellin

Work-Book-Work, 2019, installation view, Fondazione ICA Milano Ph. Filippo Armellin

Books and Others, 2019, installation view, Fondazione ICA Milano Ph. Filippo Armellin