• 23.05.2024

Fondazione ICA Milan presents, on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., the publishing project QuestionGen (0.0022 ml) by artist and performer Agnes Questionmark (Rome, Italy, 1995). The project, published by NERO, is rooted in Agnes Questionmark's practice, focused on exploring the boundaries of the self and the limits of one's body through genetic experiments, surgeries and artificial reproductive processes.
During the presentation at Fondazione ICA Milano, Agnes Questionmark's research will be deepened by the screening of the performance CHM13HTERT and the Screening of the Panel talk (supported by Kuboraum) that took place after the performance, moderated by Gea Politi (Editor of Flash Art) with the participation of Josie Zayner, Kostas Stasinopoulos (curator of the Serpentine Gallery) and The Orange Garden, where the themes of evolution and manipulation of the body are at the center of an examination that sees the artist presenting herself as a hybrid being. The screening is followed by a focus dedicated to the project QuestionGen (0.0022 ml), with Agnes Questionmark in dialogue with Chiara Nuzzi and Gabriella Rebello Kolandra of Fondazione ICA Milano and Josie Zayner.
During the talk QuestionGen (0.0022 ml) will be available for sale at Fondazione ICA Milano.

Book launch and Talk QuestionGen (0.0022 ml)

Agnes Questionmark, QuestionGen (0.0022 ml) published by NERO

Agnes Questionmark, “CHM13HTERT”, Curated by The Orange Garden and Spazio Serra, Directed by Tommaso Arnaldi and Arturo Passacantando, video art/stills

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Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

Progetti speciali

Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

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Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

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Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

Progetti speciali

Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

Progetti speciali

Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

Progetti speciali

Olympia Scarry. Microwave Sky

Curated by Alberto Salvadori


Tomoo Gokita. GUMBO

A cura di Alberto Salvadori

H 18:00



Curated by Cloe Piccoli