Curated by Chiara Nuzzi
Fondazione ICA Milano presents, from Friday 16 September 2022 to Friday, December 23rd 2022, the exhibition MY SKIN-CARE, MY STRENGTH by Costanza Candeloro (Bologna, 1990), curated by Chiara Nuzzi.
Set up in the spaces of the project room of the Fondazione ICA Milano, the exhibition reflects the artist's profound and multifaceted reflection on the relationship between contemporary society and new technologies, with particular attention to the role that language takes on in these dynamics.
On the occasion of the exhibition, Friday 16 September at 6.30 PM the newly produced performance "The cocktail party effect" will take place.
Costanza Candeloro uses writing as a generative element and research subject. Through deconstruction as a tool of investigation, the texts she wrote or she appropriated of are usually transformed into words, signs and symbols and then declined in the form of sculptures, installations and performances, evolving in a continuous process of formation. Through a practice of intuitive cognitive assimilation, aimed at making the original content disappear, Candeloro privileges compositional and gestural elements together with different types of representation, elaborated in a unique artistic approach. (...) Together with them, fears, gender constructs, questions of care and educational prejudices emerge, surprising for their affective and intimate content. Embracing material and formal ambiguity, while functionalising aesthetic choices Candeloro playfully confuses her sources, allowing new forms of subjectivity to emerge. (Attilia Fattori Franchini).
Costanza Candeloro (Bologna, 1990) graduated from the Haute école d'art et de design in Geneva (HEAD). In 2022 she inaugurated her solo exhibition 'ENVY & GRATITUDE' at Galleria Martina Simeti in MIlano, she participated in Stages of Adulthood at Sittenwerk, St. Gallen, and she was among the twelve artists involved in the RETROFUTURO project, MACRO, Rome. The artist has also participated in Devoured Spaces at Tunnel Tunnel, Lausanne (2021), STATE OF MIND at the Swiss Institute in Milan (2020), H or Audience at FRI ART, Kunsthalle, Freiburg (2020), Dépendance del'Air at Riverside, Bern (2019), Hey, You! the section of the 16th Quadriennale D'arte di Roma curated by Michele D'Aurizio (2016), Le Leggi dell'Ospitalità, P420, Bologna (2014) and Pocari Sweat at Truth And Consequences, Geneva (2014). In 2020 she realized the online project 'Life-Edit' for the Fondazione Prada, Milan. Costanza Candeloro works between Italy and Switzerland.

Costanza Candeloro, Kitten HD & Kitten Lo-fi, 2022, Video 10'26'' Courtesy the artist and Martina Simeti, Milano
Costanza Candeloro. My skin-care. My strength, installation view, Courtesy the artist, Martina Simeti gallery, Fondazione ICA Milano, 2022. Ph. credits Andrea Rossetti
Costanza Candeloro. My skin-care. My strength, installation view, Courtesy the artist, Martina Simeti gallery, Fondazione ICA Milano, 2022. Ph. credits Andrea Rossetti
Costanza Candeloro. My skin-care. My strength, installation view, Courtesy the artist, Martina Simeti gallery, Fondazione ICA Milano, 2022. Ph. credits Andrea Rossetti
Costanza Candeloro. My skin-care. My strength, installation view, Courtesy the artist, Martina Simeti gallery, Fondazione ICA Milano, 2022. Ph. credits Andrea Rossetti
Costanza Candeloro. My skin-care. My strength, installation view, Courtesy the artist, Martina Simeti gallery, Fondazione ICA Milano, 2022. Ph. credits Andrea Rossetti
Costanza Candeloro. My skin-care. My strength, installation view, Courtesy the artist, Martina Simeti gallery, Fondazione ICA Milano, 2022. Ph. credits Andrea Rossetti
Costanza Candeloro. My skin-care. My strength, installation view, Courtesy the artist, Martina Simeti gallery, Fondazione ICA Milano, 2022. Ph. credits Andrea Rossetti